: The Internet's leading database of Paddle Steamers past and present

Proposals for new paddle steamers appear from time to time, generally as the brainchild of enthusiasts hoping to exploit a perceived gap in the market for a "heritage" vessel.

Under Construction with a view to future service

Medway Queen

This is a replica of the 1924-built Medway and Thames paddle steamer whose construction started in 2009. Her hull was built at Bristol and fitting out continues at Gillingham, Kent. The original vessel's engine is in situ

Australian Star : Murray River (Echuca, Australia)

In 2022 it was announced that a new paddle steamer would be built at Mildura for cruises of three and four days and, in combination, up to a week long in five-star luxury. It will be owned by Murray River Paddle Steamers, the owners of paddlers Emmylou and Canberra.  The paddler was reported to be costing $ 6.75 (Australian). 20 cabins will accommodate 40 passengers. Propulsion will be hybrid but include a refurbished steam engine dating for 1907 originally from a traction engine, to be fired with  wood.  Around half of the construction costs will be supplied by the Government of the state of Victoria through its Regional Tourism Investment Fund. The vessel is due to enter service in mid-2025

Statically Preserved but being worked on with a view to future service

Maid of the Loch   :  Loch Lomond UK

Patria     :  Lake Como, Italy

Helvetie    :  Lake Geneva, Switzerland 

Reconstruction of a historial vessel as a static exhibit (to include saved parts from the original vessel)

Szoke Tisza : Budapest, Hungary

In January 2024 a contract was awarded to the SAM shipyard at Komarom to build a replica vessel incorporating certain parts of the original ship. 
The replica is planned to be a static floating museum and attraction in central Budapest

Proposals for new operational paddle steamers

Untersee and Rhein, Switzerland

Enthusiasts have long proposed a new paddle steamer for the commercial fleet operating on the Rhine and the Untersee in north-eastern Switzerland. The last paddle steamer in operation there was SCHAFFHAUSEN (1913-1967). One of the major elements of the proposal has been to design a vessel with very low carbon emissions but still be a genuine steamship. The proposal has gained a lot of support and is subject to consideration by the local Thurgau canton administration because public funds will be required over and above the general spending of the local vessel operator. 

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