InTramCities with Gordon Stewart

Antwerp, Belgium : 1985
Date Film No No Location View Dir Tram Notes
01/05/1985 850011 1 Frankrijklei

2152 Approaching Rooseveltplaats
01/05/1985 850011 2 Rooseveltplaats

2093 2093, 2031 and 2120
01/05/1985 850011 3 Jezusstraat / St Jakobsmarkt

01/05/1985 850011 4 St Jakobsmarkt

2103 2103 and 2083
01/05/1985 850011 5 Minderbrodersrui

2139 Tram on route 7 in direction of Tollhuis
01/05/1985 850011 6 Tollhuis

01/05/1985 850011 7 Tollhuis

01/05/1985 850011 8 Melkmarkt

01/05/1985 850011 9 Melkmarkt

01/05/1985 850011 10 Melkmarkt

01/05/1985 850011 11 Groenplaats

01/05/1985 850011 12 Groenplaats

01/05/1985 850011 13 Groenplaats

01/05/1985 850011 14 Groenplaats

01/05/1985 850011 15 Groenplaats

01/05/1985 850011 16 Groenplaats

01/05/1985 850011 17 Groenplaats

01/05/1985 850011 18 Nationalestraat

2021 Approaching Groenplaats
01/05/1985 850011 19 Schoenmarkt

2102 Approaching Groenplaats
01/05/1985 850011 20 Meir

2107 On Meir before turning into Schoenmarkt
01/05/1985 850011 21

Detail of two-stream entry into PCC (for access via ticket machine or driver)
01/05/1985 850011 22 Meir / Schoenmarkt

2096 At Meirbrug
01/05/1985 850011 23 Huidevetterstraat

2142 At Meirbrug
01/05/1985 850011 24 Britselei

01/05/1985 850011 25 Mechelsesteenweg

2150 At Britselei
01/05/1985 850011 26 Nationale Bank

2155 Waiting to cross Britselei/Frankrijklei
01/05/1985 850011 27 Lange Leemstraat

2097 Waiting to cross Britselei/Frankrijklei at Nationale Bank
01/05/1985 850011 28 Nationale Bank

2096 2096 and 2097
01/05/1985 850011 29 Nationale Bank

2113 2113 and 2139
01/05/1985 850011 30 Lange Gasthuisstraat

01/05/1985 850021 1 Lange Gasthuisstraat

01/05/1985 850021 2 Diamant (Metro)

01/05/1985 850021 3 Belgielei

2018 2018 followed by 2103 approaching the junction with Lange Leemstraat
01/05/1985 850021 4 Belgielei

2055 Approaching Charlottelei station at the top of the ramp into the tunnel
01/05/1985 850021 5 Belgielei

2032 Ascending ramp at Charlottelei
01/05/1985 850021 6 Meir (Metro)

01/05/1985 850021 7 Meir (Metro)

01/05/1985 850021 8 Nationalestraat

2006 Heading towards Groenplaats from Lambermontplaats
01/05/1985 850021 9 Volkstraat

2091 Passing the Art Museum
01/05/1985 850021 10 Lambermontplaats

2120 Tram on terminus loop at "Zuid"
01/05/1985 850021 11 Amerikalei

2009 Tram turning into Brederodestraat
01/05/1985 850021 12 Hoboken

2053 Hoboken Terminus
01/05/1985 850021 13 Hoboken

2024 Hoboken terminus
01/05/1985 850021 14 Antwerpsesteenweg

2041 At junction with Oudestraat in Hoboken
01/05/1985 850021 15 Kolonel Silvertopstraat

2056 Crossing above the motorway which separates Hoboken from Antwerp
01/05/1985 850021 16

Tram location indicator as installed on platforms on route 2 in Beerschot
01/05/1985 850021 17 Sportstraat

2055 Tram on tree-lined central reservation on de Bruynlaan in Beerschot
01/05/1985 850021 18

Detail of tram location indicator
01/05/1985 850021 19 Jasmijnstraat

2041 Tram on central reservation on Jan van Rijswijklaan
01/05/1985 850021 20 Gemeenteplaats - Mortsel

2162 2139 and 2169 on terminus loop in Mortsel
01/05/1985 850021 21 Guido Gezellenlaan

2015 On route 15 in Mortsel
01/05/1985 850021 22 Leysenstraat

2020 On reserved track in Berchem on the Mortsel route
01/05/1985 850021 23 Lange Leemstraat

2098 Tram on route 8
01/05/1985 850021 24 Eksterlaar

2098 2098 and 2081 at Eksterlaar terminus
01/05/1985 850021 25 Cruyslei

2079 On Cruyslei, close to Eksterlaar terminus
01/05/1985 850021 26 Cruyslei

01/05/1985 850021 27 Bolaerpark

01/05/1985 850021 28 Bikschotelaan In Out 2106 In Berchem on a route 11 working to Eksterlaar
01/05/1985 850021 29 Gitscotellei Out In 2106
01/05/1985 850021 30 Cogels-Osylei

2079 At junction with Gulden-Vliesstraat near Berchem Station
01/05/1985 850021 31 Cogels-Osylei

2079 As 29 but with tram more prominent
01/05/1985 850021 32 Cogels-Osylei

2114 At junction with Groote Hondstraat
01/05/1985 850021 33 K van Overmeirelaan

2145 The last tram stop on the modern extension to Wim Saerensplaats
01/05/1985 850021 34 Kerkstraat

2022 At junction with Carnotstraat
01/05/1985 850021 35 Merksem










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