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PS Columba
Columba at Rothesay in a photo by kind courtesy of Hamish Coutts ABIPP
Built in 1878 by J & G Thomson at Clydebank
Engines : Simple Oscillating, two cylinders : 53 in x 66 in
Dimensions : 301.4 ft x 27.1 ft.
602 Gross Registered Tons

Regarded as the most famous and luxurious "Clyde Steamer"
An early steel-hulled vessel and at 301 ft, the largest Clyde steamer of her time
Operated the Glasgow to Ardrishaig service as part of MacBraynes "Royal Route" to Oban
Reboilered in 1900
Sold after the 1935 season and broken up at Dalmuir

Columba and Iona awaiting scrapping at Arnott, Young's yard at Dalmuir in 1936. Photo by kind courtesy of W Sloan Smith. The photo was taken by his grandfather Sloan Smith who was owner of the Arnott, Young yard

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